Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Ryan Is The Man!

          This was brilliantly done by him, even while he facing a major test to determine his future and apparently, making nuptial plans. Hats off to the man!

           Okay, a new start. First, I will mod this board. Cracked flunkies have their own place to speak, this ain't it. If they are not 100-percent respectful of us, they will vanish into thin air. This is our stage, by God.

            Second, this NOT ending, this is just starting. They have pissed off a 55-year-young Texas loudmouth that just happens to have money, a tie-in to a publisher and mad skills on writing books. (Three, so far). I'm not shy, I'm not quiet and I don't suffer fools gladly. Hang on, guys and gals, the show has just started...


  1. Yay :D !

    Hey, completely off-topic, but I've been meaning to ask: what kind of books did you write? Fiction, non-fiction? What genre? I fancy myself a scribbler with everyone's dream of Becoming An Author Someday :P , so I like to hear from those who actually got published.

    1. A children's book, a collection of myths/legends about "lost" roads and highways,(one example being the myths surrounding crossroads and the Devil, etc.) and a book about a man that loses part of himself to every person in his life. At the end, he's just memories in other people's lives. Obviously, I'm not gonna name titles, they're still selling well on Amazon under a pen name.

    2. Ooooh, these sound really interesting! And no, I'm not sucking up to you :P The concept of the last one, in particular, is pretty fascinating, I have to say. You don't need to name titles, I'm sure I can find them with a bit of Google-fu ;)

      PS: not sure what you did, but it looks like you made a second post which is basically a repost of this one with an added title or something?

    3. Crap, yeah still learning, lol. Trying to delete...

  2. A man does what he must - in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures - and that is the basis of all human morality.
    Winston Churchill

  3. How do you get these avatar pictures, Mr. Space Ghost? Also, it seems the trolling in this blog has diminished, or have you been deleting posts?

    1. Maybe because I'm authoring now? I'm not sure. There was an edit your profile selection on the screen. It may be that I had a Blogger account to start with? I've deleted 6, so far. John-Cheese-In-Disguise types.

  4. Keep up the good work, Ono!

  5. Let me see if this works.

    1. That was me, I am trying to get an avatar and nickname, but it posted with the blog's name. If you are interested it's a blog I was filling with the forum posts for those who were blocked from the site.

    2. We just started one here,but it's only from one screenshot. Feel free to add to it. The more, the merrier!

    3. This one is old, I will leave it there as documentation, and there are only posts which weren't deleted.

  6. So let me get this straight. In retaliation to Cracked modding your posts and ultimately banning you. Your response was to start a blog about it, then after that blog got overrun by angry commenters decide to heavily moderate and delete posts you didn't find respectful?

    Is that the timeline?

    1. Different Anonymous here. Clearly the guy who made this comment is a Crack-olyte, but he raises a valid point. Whoever's running this blog, be it Ryan or SIRKIT77 or Jesus himself, shouldn't be censoring anyone, or else they're basically doing what they're claiming to protest.

    2. Sorry, but that is wrong. Hate-filled comments have no place on a forum of any kind, especially not here. Especially after what we went through. This wasn't in retaliation to anything, it's an effort to get word out about happy-go-lucky Cracked's dark side, that they despise their own readers. Even while they ask us to write for them.

    3. Wong deleted polite and respectful comments, and then misrepresented them as being hateful and insulting.

      Neither of these things will happen here.

      Your point: non-existant.

  7. YOU CAN'T SILENCE US! If you do, we'll start our own forum for people who were kicked out of the forum for people who were kicked out of Cracked! We'll have a whole day where we refuse to visit this blog! Then you'll see what's up!

  8. "They have pissed off a 55-year-young Texas loudmouth that just happens to have money, a tie-in to a publisher and mad skills on writing books. (Three, so far)."

    Considering the use of "mad skills" I'm kind of doubtful on the rest of your claim.

    1. Really? How many books have you had published?

    2. Anyone can publish a book these days, rofl. The question is, is your book any good, or is it one of the many hundreds of thousands pieces of shit out there?

    3. You're right that anyone can publish a book these days. Wong did, Cheese is working on it. So really, anyone indeed.

    4. I'm living off the revenue of all three, so I'd say yes, they are pretty good, lol.

  9. Does anyone here know the definition of irony?

  10. Thank you for this blog. I was recently banned (within the last week, I think) and the only reason Cracked will give me for it is "trolling comments". I had no idea what they were talking about, but then I happened upon this in a Google search for "banned cracked" and it's become quite clear. For you see, last week I insinuated that the only reason Cheese has his job is because he's pals with Wong. I didn't realize that this opinion of mine was already a movement, or I probably wouldn't have said something like that that would make them think I was part of it.

    Well...I am NOW.
